Gift Cards Information
Coolidge Corner Theatre Gift Card
Give someone a Gift Card. The lucky recipient can use the card to attend films, purchase goods at the concession stand or apply it to their own membership plan. The Coolidge Corner Theatre Gift Card is a great surprise to anyone who has been to the theater and a wonderful start to encourage friends to explore the excellent programs we offer.
Select Gift Cards Amounts Here
Select Gift Cards Amounts Here
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Additional Information
  • Gift Cards that have been purchased online are generally processed and mailed within a week. Gift Cards are not mailed from the Coolidge Corner Theatre, since they are fulfilled by a third-party company. You should expect to receive the gift card within two weeks from the purchase date.
  • Names are not listed on gift cards, so you may have a card billed & mailed to you and may then present it as a gift to a friend or family member. 
  • Per Massachusetts state law, Coolidge gift cards are valid for 7 years from the date of purchase. 
  • Gift cards are also available for purchase at our box office.